1 cup - Strawberry, crushed
3/4 cup - Raspberry, crushed
1 and 1/4 cup - Sugar
3 tbsp - Lime juice
1 ) To a heavy bottom pan, add mashed strawberry, raspberry, sugar and lime juice. On a medium high heat, stir and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and cook for 20 minutes.
2 ) Cook till thick bubbles start forming and the jam reaches a semi-liquid consistency. Stir well when jam starts to thicken.Turn off the stove.
3 ) After the jam cools down a bit and when still warm pour the jam into sterilized glass jars. In the glass jar the jam will settle down and thicken up even more, when it has completely cooled down.
4 ) Store in the refrigerator after completely cooling down.

Zlamushka of Zlamushka's Spicy Kitchen is organizing an event called " A spoonful of Christmas ." Contributing this jam as an entry for this event.