Here is a recipe to cook tomatoes and get the benefits of this fruit / Vegetable.
1 cup - Basmati rice
5 - Tomatoes, chopped
2 inch - Ginger, paste
5 flakes - Garlic, paste
10 - shallots , chopped
1 - Green chili, chopped
1/4 tsp - Jeera / Cumin
1/4 tsp - Fennel seeds / Perumjeerakam
2 sprigs - Curry leaves
Sesame oil
Salt to taste
1 ) Heat oil in pan. Add curry leaves, jeera, fennel seeds and fry for a minute. Then add green chili, paste of ginger - garlic. Fry till lighlty brown.
2 ) Add chopped shallots and lightly brown them. Add chopped tomatoes, fry and cook till tomotoes are a bit mashed. Add salt to taste.
3 ) Add 1.5 cup water and bring it to a boil. Add washed rice, bring to a boil and then simmer. Close with a lid and cook till the rice is fully cooked. Take off the stove. Open the lid only after, it has cooled down a bit.
Serve hot and enjoy this tomato rice.
This is my entry for the Jihva for tomatoes, hosted by RP of My workshop.
OH nO!! :)) I made this too for rp but lot different.Looks great ,I love the Tomato rice.
thats a nice entry and presentation!!
Pravs, the name tomato rice always remind me of my pathetic hostel food in chennai !! But ur recipe sounds more exciting and deft'ly a great entry:)
pravs, i make tomato rice exactly like urs. try adding canned chopped tomatoes next time. they give nice tnagy, sweet taste:)
Reminds me of mom's tomato rice :)
Pravs, Your dishes are really nice. I was telling my friend the other about your website. Nice recipes...
One more thing,
why dont you enable comment for non-blogger users? :-)
the tomato rice looks gorgeous. Beautiful presentation too.
Hi ,
First time here. Came across your site from RP's blog. I made a similar tomato rice for the event but named it as tomato pulav. ha ha ha. Anyway, loved the collection of your recipes. Good Pics.
Praveena, yes of course I shall be trying out many more recipes from your blog..Ishtew is next in pipeline. I tried this tomato rice tonight for dinner..was liked by my daughter who is a tomato fan! thks for posting!!
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