2 cups - Strawberry, washed & chopped
1 cup - Chilled milk
1/2 cup - Medium sour yogurt
1/2 cup or more as to taste - Sugar
Few ice cubes
1 ) To a blender add strawberry and grind to a smooth paste. Add sugar, ice and run to crush the ice. Then add milk and yogurt , blend to make a smooth, smoothie.
Enjoy the smoothie.
I have received a few more awards .

Good Chat blog award from Purnima. Thank you Purnima for this award and for the beautiful chats we have had.
Madhavi has presented me with a "Nice matters award" and Kalai has presented me with " rockin girl blogger" award. Thanks to both of you. I am thrilled to yet again receive these two awards.
smoothie looks so refreshing, Pravs! Love the words on the spoon. Congrats on the awards.
Pravs, lovely looking smoothie here!And chats are not have beens they are on...enjoy ur lovely award!!
Best Rgds-Purnima.:D
Congrats with the award.
I love the smoothie
Hi pravs...
This is so cool. Looks great. Love the color of the smoothie... Congrats on the awards.
Very nice smoothie Pravs... congrats on your awards!!
Smoothie looks awesome Pravs, lovely presentation as well !!! Congratulations on ur awards :))
yummy smoothi pravs
Congrats with the award.
smoothie looks refreshing!
Send this to Siri, looks refreshing, great for Summer!:))
Pravs, this looks great! I love the new look of your blog!
Congrats on the awards, Pravs! Smoothie looks delicious! :)
Looks yummy! Perfect for the hot days.
Pravs, there is something for you at my blog :)
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