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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mooli Paratha and An Early Christmas Gift !

Paratha, a flat bread filled with grated radish and spices to makes a wholesome meal. Smeared with ghee and pan fried this paratha is savoured along with pickle and raita.


2 - White radish, finely grated
4 to 6 - Green chili, chopped finely
1'' piece - Ginger, finely grated
1/2 tsp - Ajwain
1/2 tsp - Garam masala powder
1/2 tsp - Coriander powder
3 tbsp - Coriander leaves, chopped finely
Salt to taste

For the dough

3 cup - Wheat flour
Water to knead the dough


1 ) Mix enough water with wheat flour and make a stiff dough. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. This will help to tightened the dough. You can use the water squeezed out of the radish to knead the dough, to get more radish flavor.

2 ) Squeeze water from the grated radish very well. Sprinkle little salt on the squeezed radish and keep it aside for 30 minutes. Again squeeze and take out the water. Then mix all the masala powders, chili, ginger, coriander leaves and salt. Mix and keep the filling ready.

3 ) Make small key lime size balls of the dough. To make one paratha, roll out 2 dough balls. In one rolled out dough, spread the filling. Place the other rolled out dough on top of the filled dough. Press the edges to seal in. Dust with flour and roll out the paratha.

4 ) Heat a tawa or a nonstick pan, on medium heat and place the paratha in it. Smear some ghee / oil on top and around the paratha. Flip and cook evenly on both sides, till it's golden brown in colour on both sides.

Serve with raita and pickle.

Check out other Parantha's with detailed pictures -

An Early Christmas gift to me from a dear blogger friend who bakes, perfect mouthwatering cakes. And i had the luck to taste one of the cakes baked by this dear friend. Fruit cake !! one of my favourite cake and it tasted just like the fruit cake we get in the bakeries back in kerala. I couldn't stop with one piece. Thank you so much Mishmash for this wonderful gift.

What a tasty cake ! Check kitchenmishmash for cake recipes and other lip smacking recipes.


Sig said...

The paraths look yummy Pravs! And wow, you got a cake from Shn... Quick, tell me, what do I have to do to get one too? :D

Mansi said...

I loved the parathas Pravs! but more than that I loved the green chilli with your blog name on it:)

and i feel so envious about the fruit cake:(

KayKat said...

Mmm ... my fave parathas!

And that fruitcake looks *so* good! Can you get Shn to send the rest of us some too? :)

Latha Narasimhan said...

Parathas are yummy!:) What a wonderful cake! slurp! slurp!:)

FH said...

WOW!! For both Parathas and a gift!! Cool!! I guess I have to bake it myself, huh?;D

Mrs. K said...

Not fair! Not fair!
We are a group and only one gets a cake? ;) just kidding.. :D
Mooli paratha is something in my must try since ever since I saw saffron hut's. Your parathas look beautiful.

Pravs said...

Sig : hahahah...thanks sig.Just drop in a word to Shn...she is so sweet.

Mansi desai : Thanks mansi :D
Just got lucky to taste shn's baked cake.

kaykat : Do you make the paratha, the same way ? Yeah the fruit cake is really good :D

Latha :Thanks :D

Asha : Thanks :D you are a marvelous cook, Asha. And i bet you bake well too!

Bindiya said...

ejilYou are one lucky gurl!- for getting the Cake, the parathas look good!

Padmaja said...

Pravs!!! those parathas look amazing!!! and that amazing cake from Shn!!! lucky you!!!

Manasi said...

Mooli Paratha is the ONLY way I can eat mooli! these look superb!!!
That cake is uuuuuummmmmmmmm!!!!!
i wish I could bite into that slice!!!!

DK said...

Like Manasi said..Mooli paratha is one of those dishes which will not make me sulk to eat Mooli! I am a sucker for mooli parathas..
CAKE! what a awesome luking cake..what abt me :(

Anonymous said...

Delicious looking stack of paratha, I like mooli paratas. Very delicious gift....

Sagari said...

pravs parathas look delecious

Shweta said...

Yummy parathas and lovely presentation :) Wouldn't you want to share a piece of your fruit cake with the rest of us? :D

Shivapriya said...

Stuffed parathas are my fav... Yummy gift.

Pravs said...

Rp: I know you bake so well yourself and that too the same fruit cake ! I am sharing the cake with all of you !!
Thanks..do try the paratha.

Bindiya : Yes, i got lucky :)

Padmaja: Thanks :D Lucky me :P

Manasi: Thanks :D

Dhivya : I will share the cake with you too :)

Madhu & sagari : Thanks :)

Shewta : Ofcourse,i am sharing the cake with all of you, shewta.

Shivapriya: Truely yummy.

Anonymous said...

hey pravs , those parathas look perfect

u guys sharing early christmas gifts .....thts cool

Purnima said...

Pravs..shapely and golden parathas..must try these! tks for sharing..yummie looking cake... :)

Suganya said...

What perfect looking parathas these are...

Bong Mom said...

Yummy Parathas... Shn sent you a cake...WHAAAAAAAAT...and not to me..wyaaaaah

Ok tell me how did you "patao" her

Pravs said...

Rahin : Yes, i got my christmas gift early !! Thanks to Shn :)

Purnima : Thanks :D do try the paratha.

Suganya : Thanks :D

Sandeepa : hahaha...i didn't "pataofy" her...just got lucky :P

Anonymous said...

My mom makes mooli parthas the same way too- filling between 2 rotis and the masala is pretty much the same too! I love mooli parathas but have never ventured to prepare them myself. The lovely picture makes me wanna though! :)

The cake looks delicious!

Lissie said...

delicious mooli parathas! i love them... and the gift - such a lovely christmas gift from Shn!!! fruit cake is my favorite :))

Kribha said...

Parathas look delicious. I especially liked the way you have your name on that chilly. It's so cute. so, you have started celebrating christmas already? Cake is yummy too. I'm feeling jealous.

Pravs said...

Vani : oh perfect ! good to know i made the paratha in the same manner.

Lissie : Thanks :D Do try if you like mooli paratha. Cake is my favorite too :)

Kribha : Thanks :D
Love fruit cake...and it was so sweet of Shn to send me one.

Raman said...

What a lovely post!Thanks for sharing it.
Looking for birthday cake delivery in ludhiana